Ukraine women
- Why are Ukraine women searching for a foreign husband?
- Why do Ukraine women want a much older man as a husband?
- Are Ukraine women in your catalog real and alone?
- Why are your Ukraine brides on other websites as well?
- Why do Ukraine women use professional photos?
- Why do so many Ukraine women not speak English?
- What does English level in girl's profile mean?
Marriage agency
- What do I pay for?
- What is a POINT?
- How do I keep tracking of my account?
- How do I pay?
- Is it safe to give my credit card details online?
- When I pay, how long does it take for POINTs to be added to my account?
- Is it possible to send money by other system?
- Can I pay directly to your bank account?
- What does Pay using saved payment data mean?
- Payment limits?
- What services do you provide?
- Are your services free?
- What benefits Service Package gives me?
- If I buy Service Package do I get free correspondence?
- I bought 3 months Service Package, watched 20 videos, why I can't watch more?
- If I do not use all queries with the Service Package term, will they expire?
- How to contact women from your site?
- What is the difference between a QUERY and a letter?
- Can you organize a Conference Call? How does the Conference Call work?
- How much does the Conference Call cost?
- Can I order a gift that isn't listed?
- How can I delete my profile?
- How to start a correspondence with women from your site?
- Can I send a photo attached with my e-mail?
- Where do I send and receive my e-mails?
- How can I reply to a letter?
- Do you allow direct contact information exchange in letters?
- Why I can't give my email address in a letter to a woman?
- How do the girls get the mail from me? How long do I need to wait for an answer?
- Is there a limit to the number of characters allowed in a letter?
- Why the letters I receive are generic? Do you send letters to men that were not written especial for them?
- How can you assure me and other men that if we write to several ladies in one city, our private letters will not be shown to ladies who may know each other?
Anti Scam
On-line chat
- Can I chat with a girl who doesn't speak English or my native language?
- What is needed for chatting on-line?
- How many POINTs should I have to start on-line chat?
- When is the chat considered started?
- How do I end chat?
- How much does it cost to chat on-line?
- I didn't end chat and closed the window. What should I do?
- If the girl stopped replying my messages and I am still on-line, and the chat window is open, do I pay for the whole time of the chat?
- Why the girl with whom I correspond is never on-line?
- How do I turn off the on-line chat pop-ups?
- How do I see girls who wanted to chat with me?
- How to block a definite lady from sending me chat invitations?
- Are there any restrictions for on-line chat?
- What is video chat?
- How much does video chat cost?
- How many POINTs should I have on my account to be able to start video chat?
- What am I charged for during video chat?
- Why Video Chat button is not active?
- Why do I see blue screen in video chat?
- Can I watch video streaming of several girls simultaneously?
- Why does the video-streaming stop when the chat with the girl ends?
- What should I do to turn on my web-cam?
- Why do I see a white background in the right upper corner?
- Can a girl hear what I say?
- What are the additional costs for chat if I have my web-cam turned on?
- When a girl can see a video from my web-camera?
Why are Ukraine women searching for a foreign husband?
Ukraine women are searching for a husband, and for many of them it actually doesn't matter whether they will marry a man from Ukraine or a foreigner. Ukraine women come to the agencies and place their ads online on the International dating web-sites because there are many foreign men who search for a Ukraine wife. Each woman is seeking stability with a nice, honest, faithful man to love, to marry, to establish serious relations and create a family.
Why do Ukraine women want a much older man as a husband?
If we talk about international marriages and age difference between foreign men and Ukraine women we should take into consideration several factors. First of all, men in the West since young age concentrate on their career, and only after 30 they start thinking seriously about marriage and family. Many foreign men of 35-45 say they have never been married and decided to create a family, when in Ukraine by this age men have been married and divorced (some several times) or live in marriage, and have children of 15-20 years old. So, the first factor why Ukraine girls of 20-25 say they would be interested in men of 35-45 is their understanding that in the West younger men are not ready for creating a family. Then, a Ukraine woman would move to a foreign country, where the only person she would rely on and be supported by will be her husband. So, Ukraine women expect more stability, support, care from older men, more experienced and those who know what women want. The third factor would be the following: foreign men live an active and healthy lifestyle - they visit a gym regularly, mostly do not have bad habits as alcohol, smoking and using drugs, and take care of themselves. So, at the age of 45 they look, feel and act like Ukraine men look at 30. But the main thing is that a man should realize whether he will be able to fulfill desires of much younger partner, both physiological and sociological needs.
Are Ukraine women in your catalog real and alone?
Yes, all our women are real, their identity is checked by the local marriage agencies. The local marriage agencies who participate in our affiliates program are obliged to ask for woman's ID (usually it is her passport), and have a copy of this ID at hand at the agency. We can promise that Ukraine girls presented by are not married - this information is also given in girl's passport - if she has never been married there is no stamp in woman's Ukrainian passport, if she is divorced, there is a stamp about her marriage and divorce. We can't check "unofficial" relations of Ukraine brides - boyfriends, lovers, etc., and if a girl is in relations and comes to us it means her relations are not serious. Women come to us because they WANT TO GET MARRIED, and consider a marriage agency to be a good chance to meet a reliable man for love, romance, serious relations and marriage. If you are doubtful whether a woman is real or unmarried, contact us and we will check everything for you one more time.
Why are your Ukraine brides on other websites as well?
We do not forbid Ukraine women to be clients of different marriage agencies and dating services in their native cities as we can't deprive them of their right to choose, and thus one Ukraine girl can be a client of many marriage agencies in her native city. Besides, one and the same local marriage agency can be affiliated/cooperate with different web-sites/agency networks, and this way even if a Ukraine woman is a client to only one marriage agency in her native city, her profile and photos may be posted to many different Ukraine women web-sites.
Why do Ukraine women use professional photos?
First of all, Ukraine women want to attract man's attention, and competition in the Internet is very high, as you see. So, women go to professional photo studios to make good pictures. Secondly, the agencies prefer to work with professionally made pictures because of their high quality.
The quality of the photo depends on different things: how much money the girl is ready to spend on photos; if a girl is/was a model; the local marriage agency the lady is from. Ukraine women understand that the first impression you, foreign men, get about a woman is from the photos in her profile in our Ukraine women catalog, and if the picture is of low quality you may not write her back.
Why do so many Ukraine women not speak English?
Yes, we can understand your disappointment, but this is why Ukraine women register with the agency: they NEED our services on translation and mail forwarding. There are, of course, women in our Ukraine women catalog who know English enough for direct correspondence, you can use our search engine and set it to search women with good or fluent English.
What does English level in girl's profile mean?
No knowledge – she doesn't know English at all, and needs translation both ways.
Beginner – she started to learn English, or learned it at school long ago, needs translation both ways
Using dictionary – she can translate a written text with the help of dictionary, needs translation both ways.
Middle level – she understands written text, knows some general phrases, can understand what you say, but can't express her thoughts in English.
Almost fluent– she does not need translation, she can read, write, speak English, but with some mistakes.
Fluent English – she can read, write, speak English without mistakes.
But please, note that the level of English is evaluated by the lady herself.
What is is a web-site that presents photos and profiles of beautiful marriage minded Ukrainian and Ukraine women who are seeking foreign men for serious relations and marriage. The head office is situated in Mariupol, Ukraine. not only gives you a great opportunity to browse Ukraine women on-line catalog, but also to establish contact with them and form serious relations with your future Ukraine bride.
What services do you provide?
First of all, we provide a place for single marriage minded foreign men and Ukraine women to place their information (photos and profiles) - we have on-line Ukraine women catalog for foreign men to browse and choose Ukraine women they would like to contact; plus we give foreign men an opportunity to place their profiles and photos in on-line Gentlemen catalog, so singe Ukraine women would be able to initiate contact with them. Secondly, we help you to establish contact with the Ukraine women you like - you can send letters to women you like and get replies fast through our email forwarding system, order flower and gift delivery to your special Ukraine girlfriend.
Why should I use your services?
We do not force any of the men to use our services - if you decide to become our client, it is only your decision. You need our services if: - you are serious in your intentions to find a pretty woman from Ukraine to marry; - you want to be sure that a woman you communicate with is real and sincerely; - you think that "free cheese is only in a mouse-trap" and understand that it is better to pay for the high-quality service, than to get access to thousands of outdated profiles at some free web-site; - you clearly realize that search in the Internet for a wife from Ukraine is not an easy way to go, and not a short one either. At you find all you need - catalog with profiles and photos of beautiful single women, opportunity to contact these women and establish serious relations, experienced and supportive staff ready to help you.
How can I contact you?
There are several ways how you can contact Support Team. If you are not registered yet or if you can't log in, we advise you to use the Contact us form. If you have an account at, please, always contact us through Contact Center. With this feature communication with the web-site administration will be fast and efficient, as no messages will be lost in the process of communication.
How do you find women profiles for your web-site?
We are affiliated with many Ukrainian marriage and dating agencies. These marriage agencies advertise their services in their native cities and invite women interested in serious relations with foreigners to come to the office and fill in an application. Local marriage agencies also take pictures of the women, or send them to a professional photographer to do a photo session. Then the local dating agency translates woman's application, and posts woman's information to various International dating web-sites.
How do I know that the girl is still available?
We are aiming at having our database "clean" - clean of outdated profiles of Ukraine women, of scammers, of not interested women. We regularly call Ukraine women in the database to make sure if they are still available and need our services. We delete those who ask so. Besides, every local marriage agency affiliated with us also does this kind of checking. But if you want to be sure – write us, and we will confirm girl's interest in our services or delete her from the database if she is no longer interested or available.
What do I pay for?
You pay for the services of our agency, namely: email forwarding, photo forwarding, gift delivery, etc. You pay only when you use our services, registration on our web-site is free.
What is a POINT?
A POINT is a conventional monetary unit, so to say, currency. You buy POINTs that allow you to use our services. POINTs are added to your account at, and then deducted from this account each time you open or send a letter though the site, receive or send an additional photo using our photo-forwarding services, send a Query, order a gift to be delivered, etc.
How do I keep tracking of my account?
First of all, the current state of your account is displayed on the Home page (the first page you see right after you log in into your account). You have a special section in your account called Account History. Every time you buy POINTs, this is recorded in your Account History. Then, every letter you write or read, every photo you send or receive, every video you watch is reflected in your Account History - you can check it any time. If you have any doubts about charges always contact our Support Team.
How do I pay?
You can pay for our services in different ways: first of all, you can pay online using your credit card. Do not be concerned about using your credit card online: credit card orders are processed by reliable providers of online card processing and payment solutions with VISA / MasterCard licenses, which provide services in the field of electronic commerce for online businesses. We also accept off-line payments: if it is more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer (we offer 5% discounts for certain payments through money transfer; choose this method of payment to learn the details). Besides, you can pay directly from your bank account to ours, for this kind of payment choose bank-to-bank wire transfer. Online payments are processed in real-time and funds are added to your account at our website automatically. If you choose to pay by money transfer or to a bank account you will have to wait from 2 to 7 business days till we receive the money and will add funds to your account at our site.
Is it safe to give my credit card details online?
Yes, it is perfectly safe. You do not pay through a Ukrainian bank, you complete your credit card information on a secure order page of our payment service provider for credit card orders with VISA / MasterCard licenses and 3D Secure protocol.
When I pay, how long does it take for POINTs to be added to my account?
Online payments are processed in real-time and funds are added to your account at our website automatically. If you choose to pay by money transfer or to a bank account you will have to wait from 2 to 7 business days till we receive the money and will add funds to your account at our site.
Is it possible to send money by other system?
Yes, if it would be more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer. You can contact us to get details for this method of payment.
Can I pay directly to your bank account?
Yes, you can. To pay directly to our bank account you should choose "Bank-to-Bank wire transfer" as a method of payment. You will see a list of payments available for this method of payment. Choose an amount of POINTs or service package you want to buy and click "Get Invoice" button. In the invoice you will see all the details necessary for making this kind of payment. Please, follow the instructions carefully, and inform us when your payment is made. When the money is credited to our bank account (which can take from 2 to 7 business days) we will add POINTs or service package to your account at our site.
What does Pay using saved payment data mean?
Using saved data for future payments will help you to save time on filling in your contact details in our secure payment form. If you have already used this function, then next time you pay you will be automatically redirected to the page with fields "Card Number", "Your cardholder name", "Card Expiration Date" and "Card Security Code" - this information for reasons of safety is processed only on the secure payment server of the processing company and is not saved anywhere and not disclosed to anyone. We save only the type of the card you used for payment (VISA, Mastercard etc), and last four digits of your card (for your convenience if you use several cards).
If the contact details you saved on the web-site (email, phone number, address) have changed you should just click button "Paymethod / Country - Change" on the page where you insert your card data and change the information as needed. The web-site will automatically renew the data saved for this card after your payment is completed.
If you do not want our web-site to save any of your information, choose "Don't save my info" in the list, in this case no data will be saved and all previously saved cards will be removed.
You can start using this function anytime you wish by choosing "Other/new Card". You also can choose this line in the menu if you want to pay with the card that has not been saved yet.
Payment limits?
We would like to attract your attention to payment limits that may be applied to your credit card: the number of transactions or amount allowed for a single card in a given time period is limited by our authorized Sales Agent:
Daily limit: max total amount: 5000, max number of transactions: 10
Weekly limit: max total amount: 7000 max number of transactions: 20
Monthly limit: max total amount: 10000 max number of transactions: 30
Keeping in mind the limit for max number of transaction for a given period of time for one card you can use several credit cards to pay for our services, but we would recommend you a better way out: make payments for a larger amount with one payment and you will get the same amount of POINTs or chat minutes for lower cost and will be using your card less often.
What services do you provide?
First of all, we provide a place for single marriage minded foreign men and Ukraine women to place their information (photos and profiles) - we have on-line Ukraine women catalog for foreign men to browse and choose Ukraine women they would like to contact; plus we give foreign men an opportunity to place their profiles and photos in on-line Gentlemen catalog, so singe Ukraine women would be able to initiate contact with them. Secondly, we help you to establish contact with the Ukraine women you like - you can send letters to women you like and get replies fast through our email forwarding system, order flower and gift delivery to your special Ukraine girlfriend.
Are your services free?
Our services are free for women but are NOT FREE for men. Since our services are FREE for Ukraine women, many come to us for help (with translation, computers, etc. We do not charge women for our services because it would be rather expensive for them. If we consider that average salary of Ukrainian woman is 150-200 USD (we do not talk about big cities like Kiev, Moscow or St. Petersburg; salaries there are higher), and they have to live, eat, buy clothes and look good so, a Ukraine woman prefers to use the help of the agency to get acquainted with men and choose a suitable partner for future serious relations. Besides, Ukraine women think men who address an agency service and pays for this service are more serious about finding a Ukraine wife.
What benefits Service Package gives me?
Service Package on our web-site doesn't mean unlimited corresponding. When you buy Service Package you get certain advantages, such as free videos, free queries, possibility to write longer letters, buy POINTs in bulk thus reducing the cost of 1 POINT.
If I buy Service Package do I get free correspondence?
No, Service Package is not free correspondence. You will have to pay for letters usual 0.15 of a POINT for an introductory letter and 1 POINT for sending a letter or opening a reply, BUT as a subscriber you get discounts for POINTs, thus reducing the cost of 1 POINT and, consequently, 1 letter.
I bought 3 months Service Package, watched 20 videos, why I can't watch more?
Videos and Querys are added to your account every month of your Service Package automatically the same day when your Service Package was registered.
If I do not use all queries with the Service Package term, will they expire?
Yes, if your Service Package term ends and you still have unused queries or unwatched videos they will expire.
How to contact women from your site?
You can contact any woman from our Ukraine brides catalog through our email forwarding system. For initial contact you can send a QUERY or a letter. A QUERY is a short standard message that attracts woman's attention to your profile in Men Online Catalog; it costs only 0.25 of a POINT (four times less than a letter), replied with yes or no.
What is the difference between a QUERY and a letter?
A QUERY is a short standard unchangeable note which inquires about woman's interest in you. You get a short standard reply to your QUERY - yes or no. You can send a QUERY only to a woman with whom you have not had any contact before (you have not written to the woman and have not received any letters from her). The cost of a QUERY is 4 times less that a cost of a letter. A letter can be sent to any woman, you can write anything in a letter, and in her reply woman will write whatever she wants.
Can you organize a Conference Call? How does the Conference Call work?
Yes, we can. For this you need to click on "Call me" button. To reserve a conference call with a lady you should fill in the Conference Call reservation form, where you indicate your Time Zone, desirable date and time of your conversation with the lady, your phone numbers (it is obligatory to indicate main phone number, additional phone number is optional) and Skype ID (optional; if we are able to organize the conference call calling you by Skype, you will get 1 POINT of your deposit back). After you indicate your Time Zone you will be able to see what time in your time zone is available for organizing the conference call with the lady considering the time difference.
After receiving your Conference Call reservation form we contact the lady and confirm the date and the time with her. If your preferred the date and time which do not suit the lady, we will offer you other time options, and find a date and time which are suitable for both of you. On the arranged date and time our operator will contact you and the lady, and translate your phone conversation.
How much does the Conference Call cost?
Base Price of Phone Call - 6 POINTs*
* 15 minutes of call included. If you talk more than 15 minutes, each additional minute will cost 0.25 of a POINT.
Can I order a gift that isn't listed?
Yes, we can deliver almost anything you want, we just need to know what you want to deliver and lady's city. We have general price-list for most popular gifts and flowers, the prices for these gifts do not vary considerably from city to city. But "non-standard" gifts (for example, English lessons, books, mobile phones, a day in a beauty salon and the like) can vary in price considerably. After your inquiry for the special order we will contact our representative and ask about the price.
How can I delete my profile?
You can ask us to delete your profile by sending a message through Contact Center. We would also appreciate if you gave us the reason why you stop using our services.
How to start a correspondence with women from your site?
You can contact any woman from our Ukraine brides catalog through our email forwarding system. For initial contact you can send a QUERY or a letter.
Can I send a photo attached with my e-mail?
Yes, you can attach photos to the letters you send to Ukraine women using our e-mail forwarding system. To forward 1 photo costs 0.5 POINT. The girl can send you her additional photos as well; it is the same 0.5 of a POINT for opening each additional photo from a girl.
Where do I send and receive my e-mails?
You may send email messages from while you are browsing Ukraine women photo catalog by clicking on the "Email me now" button in the Ukraine woman's profile.
When a Ukraine woman sends you a letter, it arrives in your Inbox on the site. Inbox is an area of your account where you can see letters sent to you by the women. All incoming letters are sorted according to the date they were sent. If you would like to open a letter you should only click open/read this letter link below. If you are not going to read the letter you can delete it by clicking "Delete this letter from Inbox" link. The letter then will go to Trash folder in your member area. Letters from the Trash are deleted automatically in 60 days. Until a letter is deleted from Trash folder you can restore it to your Inbox and read it.
How can I reply to a letter?
When you opened a letter in your Inbox, read it and if want to reply, there is a button "Reply" under the text of the message. When you click this button, a window for composing a new message opens. You can type the text of your letter there.
Do you allow direct contact information exchange in letters?
Yes, you can send/receive postal address and telephone number of any Ukraine woman in letters through our e-mail forwarding system after you and a woman have written 5 letters each. But we do not allow to exchange e-mail addresses. But you can exchange phone numbers and ask for woman's e-mail address during the phone conversation.
Why I can't give my email address in a letter to a woman?
As you know, we work with different local marriage and dating agencies. Some of these agencies may try to promote their own services, and spam known addresses of men who are ready to pay for translation and letter forwarding. Besides, women who address the agency do not have direct emails, and in most cases you would get agency's email address in a woman's letter. One more thing is, if we allowed to exchange emails this would encourage our competitors to exploit the system by posting fake profiles, solicit your email address, and use it for their own purposes.
How do the girls get the mail from me? How long do I need to wait for an answer?
You send your e-mail to a chosen Ukraine woman, and your e-mail message is received in our affiliates marriage agency of the woman's native city. Our interpreters translate your message into lady's native language and the manager informs the woman on the phone that a message is waiting for her. When your Ukraine bride receives your letter - women usually prefer to come to the office to pick their letters up - the woman is able to write a response immediately in her local marriage agency's office if she prefers, or she may think it over at home and then bring her reply to her agency to translate and forward woman's reply to you. Sometimes your letters can be read to the Ukraine girl on the phone, so she would start thinking about her answer to you. Some local agencies aiming at making the correspondence go faster also receive women's replies on the phone - a Ukraine woman dictates her reply, and the agency manager types/ writes it down.
Letters sent through our email forwarding system are usually replied rather faster: our statistics shows that 75% of letters are replied within the first week.
Is there a limit to the number of characters allowed in a letter?
For 1 POINT you can send a letter up to 10000 symbols long (approximately one sheet of paper when the letter is printed), every 100 symbols over 10000 cost 0.02 of a POINT. If your letter exceeds this number of characters, you will be asked whether you want to pay extra or make your letter shorter.
Why the letters I receive are generic? Do you send letters to men that were not written especial for them?
It is the standard procedure for both foreign men and Ukraine women, when beginning a correspondence, to list a brief description of themselves in an online catalog and post a photo into the profile, and then write a personable, but rather general "introductory letter" where they describe themselves and their lives in more detail, tell what they are looking for in a mate, etc. The foreign men and Ukraine women both address these letters to each person they are sending it to and they personalize them to a small degree; they are general letters, in which foreign men/ Ukraine women trying to give more information than is listed in the brief on-line posting. The purpose of an introduction letter is to 1. let the person know you are interested in her/him and 2. tell more about yourself. Men send copies of their introductory letters to many Ukraine women, and Ukraine women send copies of their introductory letters to many foreign men. Once both people know they are interested in each other and have a better idea of who they are dealing with, then they begin personal correspondence. If you receive such "introductory letter" from a woman - it is her way of showing interest in you. To read it will cost you ONLY 0.15 POINTs.
How can you assure me and other men that if we write to several ladies in one city, our private letters will not be shown to ladies who may know each other?
We can promise that the agency staff will not tell girls that they get letters from the same men - first of all, we understand that men and women want to keep their relations in private. But we can't make sure that the Ukraine girls do not share information about the letters they get themselves: often girls bring their friends to the agency to search for a foreign man, we have sisters as our clients, and of course we can't forbid them to share the experience of communicating with men.
What is a scam?
A negative thing about Internet dating with Ukraine women and girls from Ukraine is a scam. SCAM is obtaining money by means of deception. We investigate EVERY case when a woman asks for money. If you ever notice a lady on our site whom you know to be a scammer, please, report to us providing any proofs you might have. You should know that we support anti-scam program and warn all Western men DO NOT SEND MONEY to women you have not met yet.
How can I be sure that all girls in your database are real?
We do guarantee that women at are real. If you have any doubts that a girl you see in our women catalog really exists, you can write to us and tell what proofs of her reality you need. The easiest way to check whether a woman is real not humiliating her is to order a gift delivery with a photo on delivery.
What kind of a background check do you do?
It is obligatory that every local agency should check woman's ID - passport in Ukraine, Belarus and Ukraine (it is an internal passport every citizen of these countries receive when he/she reaches the age of 16). There we can check: first name, last name, middle name, date of birth, place of registration. We do NOT do background checks, we are NOT a detective agency, we are MARRIAGE and DATING agency. We offer services on e-mail forwarding, translation, gift delivery. We can only promise that Ukraine girls presented by are not married. We cannot check "unofficial" relations of Ukraine brides - boyfriends, lovers, etc., and if a girl is in relations and comes to us it means her relations are not serious. Women come to us because they WANT TO GET MARRIED, and consider a marriage agency to be a good chance to meet a reliable man for love, romance, serious relations and marriage.
A woman I write to signs her letters with a name that differs from the name in her profile. Is it a scam?
It is rather common that for a profile on the web-site a woman uses a full variant of her name, while signs her letters with a short variant, for example, Anastasiya - Nastya, Nataliya - Natasha, Elena - Lena, Kseniya - Ksyusha, Tatyana - Tanya, Irina - Ira, Svetlana - Sveta, etc. If you have doubts about the name of a woman, you can always contact us.
Can I chat with a girl who doesn't speak English or my native language?
Use the service "Translate" in online chats. With this feature you can use your native language* to chat with a girl. All messages sent will be translated if you choose one of the options from the drop-down list:
"Auto" - translation to girl’s preferred language, automatically determined by the program (which may not be Russian), or
"Eng/Ru" - translation only into the Russian language.
Button "Translate" is activated if the chat with the girl has already begun; it translates the text you typed in the message block but has not sent yet. The text will be translated in a way you selected in drop-down menu.
* Languages from which translation is possible: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties mixed), Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese.
What is needed for chatting on-line?
To successfully chat on-line you need to have the following settings in your browser:
- a) your browser must accept cookies
- c) use JavaScript
How many POINTs should I have to start on-line chat?
You should have at least 1 POINT to start chatting with one lady. If you have less than 1 POINT you will not be able to start chat.
When is the chat considered started?
The chat starts (the program starts counting time and costs of the chat) when a girl replied your message (in case you invited a girl for chat), or you replied lady's message (when she is the one who invited you to chat). If you sent a message to the girl but she didn't reply, the chat is not considered as started.
How do I end chat?
To finish chat if it has started (look through question "When is the chat considered started?") you should simply click a button "End chat with lady ID#"; the program than asks you whether you really want to end chat, if you click "Yes" the chat will end. Even if the girl continues writing to you it is not considered as continuation of the chat.
How much does it cost to chat on-line?
You are charged per each second of your on-line chat but not less than for 1 minute. For example, if your on-line chat lasted 30 seconds, you are charged for the full minute of chat. As soon as your chat started the program counts the time of the chat. The first minute of chat costs 0,10 POINTs, every further second costs 0.0016 POINTs. For example, your chat lasted 3 minutes and 19 seconds, it will cost you 0,32 POINTs. When you chat with a web-cam on, the cost of the chat is doubled. Please, note, that if you chat simultaneously with several girls, every chat is considered a separate chat and you pay separately for each chat. For example, if you chatted with lady ID:12345 and lady ID:54321 at the same time, and each chat lasted 5 minutes, you will be charged 0,5 POINTs for chat with lady ID:12345 and 0,5 POINTs with lady ID:54321, total 1 POINT.
I didn't end chat and closed the window. What should I do?
If you didn't click "End chat" and closed the window, the chat will end automatically. The time of the end of the chat in this case is the time of the last message sent to you by the girl.
If the girl stopped replying my messages and I am still on-line, and the chat window is open, do I pay for the whole time of the chat?
If you were chatting on-line with the girl but she stopped replying to your messages, and didn't get back to you within 10 minutes, you will not be charged for the last 10 minutes of the chat. If the girl stopped answering you, you waited a little bit and then clicked "End chat" the chat is considered ended at the time you received the last message from the girl.
Why the girl with whom I correspond is never on-line?
If you do not see the girl you write to on-line, it must mean that she uses a local agency to correspond with you, but not her personal account. If you want to chat with the girl, ask you about it in the letter. The local agency will create a personal account for the lady, and the lady will be able to communicate with you on-line, either using a computer at the office of an agency, or at Internet cage, or her personal computer if she has one.
How do I turn off the on-line chat pop-ups?
If you do not want to see invitations from girls to chat which appear as pop-up windows, you can turn the pop-us off. For this you should go to "Account Settings" and check the box next to "Do not show online chat pop-ups".
How do I see girls who wanted to chat with me?
To see who sent you chat invitations you should go to page "Missed Chats". There you will see the list of girls who sent you invitations to chat, but for some reasons you missed those invitations. You will also see the date when such invitations were sent to you by each girl; if the girl sent you invitations several times, the date of her last invitation will be shown.
How to block a definite lady from sending me chat invitations?
To block a definite lady from sending you chat invitations just click "block" in the pop-up invitation from this lady. If you change your mind later and decide to chat with the "blocked" girl, you will be able to invite her to chat yourself.
Are there any restrictions for on-line chat?
During the online chat you can't exchange personal contact information such as postal address, direct phone number, emails, ID's for Internet instant message services such as ICQ, AIM, Jabber, MSN, IRC, Skype and the like, you can't exchange links to Internet web-sites. This information will be automatically deleted from the text of your chat. If you need to exchange personal contact information such as postal address and a phone number, please, send it in your letter to a lady. We also ask you not to use obscene words while you chat.
What is video chat?
Video chat is video streaming from girl's web-cam which you can see while chatting with the girl.
How much does video chat cost?
One second of video chat costs additional 0.0016 POINTs, that is you continue chatting with the girl for 0.0016 POINTs per second, and either you or she or both of you can watch the video streaming from the web-cam for additional 0.0016 POINTs per second. So, if you chat with one steaming of video (either from girl's web-cam or from your web-cam) it costs 0.0032 POINTs per secod; if both video-streams are turned on (you and the girl see each other) the cost of one second of chat is 0.0048 POINTs.
How many POINTs should I have on my account to be able to start video chat?
You should have minimum 1 POINT on your account to turn on video streaming from the girl's web-camera. But first you should start chat communication with the girl.
What am I charged for during video chat?
Your account is charged for real video of the girl. If while being involved in video chat the girl leaves her place and you can't see her more than two minutes in a raw the time is not counted as video chat and your account is not charged. If you opened a video chat window and see the blue screen the time is not counted and your account is not charged.
Why Video Chat button is not active?
To start watching video streaming from girl's web-camera you should start chatting with this girl.
Why do I see blue screen in video chat?
The blue screen may appear for several reasons: if while being involved in video chat the girl leaves her place for a long time; if you opened more than one window of video chat for the same girl; if you do not have enough funds on your account.
Can I watch video streaming of several girls simultaneously?
Yes, you can open as many video-chat windows as you want, but you should have active chats with all these girls.
Why does the video-streaming stop when the chat with the girl ends?
You can watch video-streaming from the girl's web-camera only when you have active chat with the girl. When you end chat with the girl the video-streaming will stop within one minute even if you left the video chat window opened. Also, if you or the girl you are chatting with is not active during 10 minutes, the chat will end automatically, so will the video chat.
What should I do to turn on my web-cam?
To let the girl to see video from your web-cam you should click "Allow" in the right upper corner in your chat window.
Why do I see a white background in the right upper corner?
If in the upper right corner you see white background instead of your video image it means:
- - you do not have a web-camera, or it is not installed (or its drivers are not installed);
- - your web-camera is used by another application; you should close the application that is using your web-camera and refresh the chat window.
Can a girl hear what I say?
No, the sound is not transmitted. A girl can only see the video-streaming from your web-camera.
What are the additional costs for chat if I have my web-cam turned on?
When you add a video-streaming from your camera the additional cost is 0.0016 POINTs per second. You pay only if a girl watches your video.
When a girl can see a video from my web-camera?
A girl can turn your video on only if you are actively chatting with her. Girls with whom you do not have active chat can not see you.
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